P-04-625 Support for Safe Nursing Staffing Levels (Wales) Bill

Petition wording


 We the undersigned call upon Members of the National Assembly for Wales Health and Social Care Committee to vote in favour of the Safe Nursing Staffing Levels (Wales) Bill once it is introduced into the Assembly.

Additional Information

Kirsty Williams AM is soon going to be introducing the Safe Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Bill into the National Assembly for Wales.  This bill would enshrine in law Chief Nursing Officer in Wales' core principles regarding staffing levels on all medical and surgical wards.  The Royal College of Nursing believes that this piece of legislation is necessary to improve patient safety and will help to restore patients faith in the Welsh NHS as well as ensuring that patients in hospitals in Wales receive the nursing care and attention they need and deserve and allows Nurses to be able to deliver care to the standard that they are trained and want to deliver.

 Lead petitioner: Richard Jones MBE 

First considered by the Committee:

Number of signatures: 1,579 online signatures.